The teaching should be given to those who maintain their commitments and thus venerate the Guru on the crown of their head. (Detail from 17th century Tibetan Medical thangka).

 Our Lineage Teachers

Prof. JR Worsley and JB Worsley, DAc
Neeshee Pandit Neeshee Pandit

Prof. JR Worsley and JB Worsley, DAc

J.R. Worsley is the founder of Worsley Classical Five-Element Acupuncture, a lineage and oral-tradition based system of acupuncture. His long-time student and wife, J.B. Worsley, is the current master of the lineage. Neeshee began studying with J.B. Worsley in 2021 and completed his training at the Worsley Institute. He continues to study with J.B. Worsley and teachers at the Worsley Institute regularly.

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Heiner Fruehauf, PhD, LAc
Neeshee Pandit Neeshee Pandit

Heiner Fruehauf, PhD, LAc

Heiner Fruehauf is a sinologist, scholar, and practitioner of classical Chinese medicine. He is the founding professor of the college of Classical Chinese Medicine at NUNM in Portland, OR. Heiner has been championing the classical tradition of Chinese Medicine for decades with a particular emphasis on decoding its ancient symbol science. Neeshee began studying with Heiner Fruehauf in 2021.

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Khenpo Troru Tsenam Rinpoche
Neeshee Pandit Neeshee Pandit

Khenpo Troru Tsenam Rinpoche

Khenpo Tsenam Rinpoche was Dr. Phuntsog Wangmo’s primary teacher. She mentioned him by name countless times and often told us that she was teaching us exactly as he taught her. His biography is included here as a tribute to my Tibetan Medicine lineage. His biography and accompanying interview is a glimpse into the extraordinary life and insights of a traditional scholar-physician.

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Khewang Phuntsog Wangmo
Neeshee Pandit Neeshee Pandit

Khewang Phuntsog Wangmo

Dr. Phuntsog Wangmo was born and educated in Tibet. At the request of Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche, she came to the US and became the director of the Shang Shung School of Tibetan Medicine, the first Tibetan Medicine school in the West. Dr. Wangmo has championed the lineage and tradition of Tibetan Medicine as it has been taught for generations. Neeshee began studying with Dr. Wango in 2016 and formally completed his studies in 2021.

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Vaidya R.K. Mishra
Neeshee Pandit Neeshee Pandit

Vaidya R.K. Mishra

Vaidya Mishra was a modern Ayurvedic master who championed the classical teachings of Ayurvedic medicine. He transmitted his family lineage of Shaka Vansya Ayurveda through oral tradition. Neeshee studied with Vaidya Mishra from 2013 until his untimely passing in 2017. Shortly before his passing, Vaidya formally acknowledged Neeshee as a practitioner within his lineage.

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Emmett Hutchins
Neeshee Pandit Neeshee Pandit

Emmett Hutchins

Emmett Hutchins was one of Ida Rolf’s first students and the founder of the Guild for Structural Integration. Nicole learned directly from Emmett and completed her training under his tutelage. Neeshee also had the good fortune to experience the Rolfing ten-series from Emmett.

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Jane Yang and Paul Litchfield
Neeshee Pandit Neeshee Pandit

Jane Yang and Paul Litchfield

Jane Yang and Paul Litchfield are Qigong Masters and devotees of Avatar Adi Da Samraj, currently living in Melbourne, Australia. Jane Yang received the transmission of a unique mode of medical qigong known as Wuji Qigong from her teacher, Master Li. From 2006-2008, Jane and Paul’s work underwent major transformations when they began offering healing treatments to Avatar Adi Da. He clarified and expounded on the nature of their work. Neeshee and Nicole trained with Jane and Paul in 2016. Rather than learning via didactic instruction, Jane and Paul instructed them via direct qi transmission. They acknowledged Neeshee and Nicole as the only students to have successfully trained and practiced their unique form of qigong healing. Jane and Paul’s teachings and practice have become the energetic core of Neeshee and Nicole’s healing practice.

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Avatar Adi Da Samraj
Neeshee Pandit Neeshee Pandit

Avatar Adi Da Samraj

Avatar Adi Da Samraj was a Spiritual Master of the highest degree. He founded the Reality-Way of Adidam and established spiritual sanctuaries around the world. In addition to His Spiritual Teachings, Avatar Adi Da gave much practical wisdom on the relationship between spirituality, health, and healing. Neeshee and Nicole have been devotees of Avatar Adi Da Samraj since 2008. His Presence and Teachings are the spiritual root of their healing practice.

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